FROM THE PRESIDENT Even though this issue follows right on the heels of the last, we've been pretty busy, and I have a lot to report about. First of all, by the time you read this, the Annual ACES picnic will have occurred-- it's scheduled for Saturday, October 15, 1988. As usual, the picnic features food, fun and our traditional door-prize give-away of hundreds of dollars worth of soft/hardware! We plan to report on it's success next issue. The real big event of this quarter was Applefest in San Francisco. Fortunately, two of our members, Bob and Roby Sherman went, and were able to give us a report on the highlights of the show (as well as rumors). Some of the topics covered included: the new GS-OS, details on the new Apple IIc Plus, new software, and other third-party products newly introduced. One of the disappointing bits of news, was the raising(!) of prices for most of Apple's major products -- including a $150 raise to the IIgs! Fortunately, the Imagewriter II has remained at the same price. For those of you who have been attending the meetings, our group purchasing has increased dramatically. With the most recent major purchase of 2400 baud modems (several thousand dollars worth), prices are getting better. Contact Mike Horowitz (431-4609) about what current purchases are being organized. Please keep a close eye on your postcard meeting notices -- we are planning a couple of meetings that will feature guest speakers from out of town. At the moment, we expect to host Bill Holt, the representative from Activision (Bill was here on two earlier occasions) and a representative from First Class Peripherals (manufacturer of the Sider Hard Drive system). Exact dates/locations have not yet been determined, but we hope to combine meetings to provide a larger audience for the guests. Finally -- the best news.... the club has voted to approve the purchase of a IIgs for demonstrations! As soon as arrangements can be made, we will obtain the CPU, then follow up as needed with accessories, spread out over a period of time. Initially, the IIgs will be hooked up to our liquid crystal pallet for projection through the overhead projector that we have on loan. This should enable us to demo both the newest products, as well as remain compatible with the older software. Until next time.... Don't worry... Be happy. Fred Perkins, Pres. ~~~